SAP Router - Installation and Configuration in Linux and Windows
Step 1. Download newest version of SAPCAR, SAProuter xx.SAR and Cryptographic library from SAP Service marketplace
Step 2 . Create a sub-directory saprouter in the location
For Windows : <drive>:\usr\sap {i.e. E:\usr\sap\saprouter}
For Linux : /usr/sap {i.e. /usr/sap/saprouter}
and save all the SAR files (Downloaded in Step 1) in this directory.
Step 3 .
Extract all SAR files using the command
SAPCAR.EXE -xvf <path of SARfilexxx.sar>
Now, you have all required files and binaries in /usr/sap/saprouter
Step 4.
Set the the environment variable :
Windows :
Linux :
Step 5.
Go through this link
to Generate the SAProuter certificate.
Click on Apply Now Icon as shown in below mentioned figure.
Step : 6 Generate certificate request at OS level using the command sapgenpse
-> sapgenpse get_pse -v -r certreq -p local.pse "your DN"
Example Command :
sapgenpse get_pse -v -r certreq -p local.pse "CN=hostname, OU=0000123456, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE"
It will ask for a PIN enter the PIN and then press Enter.
Sample Output of Previous Command:
Got absolute PSE path "/usr/sap/saprouter/local.pse".
Please enter PSE PIN/Passphrase: ****
Please reenter PSE PIN/Passphrase: ****
!!! WARNING: For security reasons it is recommended to use a PIN/passphrase
!!! WARNING: which is at least 8 characters long and contains characters in
!!! WARNING: upper and lower case, numbers and non-alphanumeric symbols.
Supplied distinguished name: "CN=hostname, OU=000123456, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE"
Creating PSE with format v2 (default)
certificate creation... ok
PSE update... ok
PKRoot... ok
Generating certificate request... ok.
Certificate Request:
Signed Part:
Subject: CN=hostname, OU=000123456, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE
Key: rsaEncryption (2048 bits)
Attributes: None
Signature algorithm: sha256WithRsaEncryption (1.2.840.113549.1.1.11)
Signature: <Not displayed>
As an Output this command creates certreq file .
Open the certreq file in any text editor. Now copy the content of this file and paste into the text box below the heading Insert the Certificate Signing Request . You will get that window after Click on Apply now as mentioned in above picture.
Step 5 (Refer below mentioned figure)
You will get the certificate on the next screen in similar text field but the text
will look like
This is your new certificate save as the whole content into file named as srcert
Step 7 : Import the certificate
Run the following command to import the certificate
->sapgenpse import_own_cert -c srcert -p local.pse
Run the following command to get the information such as Issuer,, Validity etc
-> sapgenpse get_my_name
Step 8 : Need to create the user credential for who will administer the sap router
->sapgenpse seclogin -p local.pse -O saprouter
This will create the file cred_v2
Step 9: Start and Stop of Sap Router
Command to start the SAProuter :
-> saprouter -r -G routerlog -S 3299 -K "p:CN=hostname, OU=0000123456, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE"
Command to start the SAProuter :
-> saprouter -s
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